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Alcool Test
Alcool Test

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Single Use Breath-Alcohol Tester Without Chromium

Single Use Breath-Alcohol Tester Without Chromium


Alcooltest disposable alcohol breath test without chromium dichromate named Tube CH2 or Tube CH3 is accredited and used as a screening test during Institutional Services by Police Commands and Organizations. It comes with the best certifications and authorizations which attest its conformity and its notable metrological/physical/chemical qualities.

Alcohol Breath Test Intended Use:

Chemical reaction detection of breath alcohol concentration for in vivo diagnostic use intended for preventive use or device to analyze breath alcohol concentration for indicative screening of the presence of alcohol contained in breath.

Instructions and Suggested Use of Alcooltest Alcohol Breath Test:

This test is intended for personal and prevention use.
The interpretation of breath test results is indicated by the color assumed by the white color reagent situated inside the glass tube which will assume color from light, bright to dark pink or purple depending on the alcohol concentration percentage in human breath. Human body reaches the peak alcohol concentration after 90 minutes from alcohol assumption. 


Instruction for Use:

  1. Pull both caps out of tube extremities;
  2. Insert the tube into balloon's slot (at the extremity shown by the row) and fix mouthpiece to the opposite tube extremity;
  3. Breath continuously into the tube in order to completely inflate balloon. During this phase the tube heats up lightly; 
  4. Check test result after one minute from balloon inflation.

Interpretation of Result:

  1. Compare the darkest color of the reagent (mineral salts) situated between the two filters inside the tube to the color scale shown on the tube or on its external label;
  2. The color of the reagent will indicate alcohol breath concentration reference shown in the external printed label.
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