Thanks to the convention stipulated with CRABioN Laboratory, we are able to offer our customers a complete range of services in the field of toxicology analysis, with result confirmation performed using HRGC/MS/MS or LC/MS/MS - Regional Authorization No. 4650 of 05/15/09 and Authorization No. SP/302 of 10/08/2009 of the Italian Ministry for Labor, Health and Social Affairs, Directorate General for Pharmacy and Medical Devices, Central Office for Drugs, according to quality standards ISO 9001/2008 and ISO17025 as well as in respecting the Italian Forensic Toxicology Guidelines (GTFI March 2010) with medico-legal purposes.
We offer our customers legal confirmation of positive sample. After having analyzed the collected sample, users (police agents or physicians) should simply extract the collection pad from the test, insert it in the chain of custody provided by our company, seal all items and call the hotline number to book our courier service to collect sample.
We will provide you an official and fast response through registered or certified mail. Our laboratory will provide legal confirmation in 48 hours (for Italy) or in 5 days (for all other European countries).
Our chain of custody (TcC_RML) guarantee that your sensible data is secure, as collection report and RML response will be always and exclusively exchanged between User and Laboratory.